ESSC Courses Selection Guide

27 Aug 2020 - Benjamin Loi

Introduction 簡介

Planning your timetable and choosing appropriate courses are very important in the University. Here we are going to discuss some strategies about enrollment for ESSC students, especially for freshmen.


Preliminary 基礎資訊

Program information and major/minor requirement can be viewed in CUSIS Academic Records -> Browse Program Information. Personal academic requirement and fulfillment status can be checked in CUSIS Academic Progress -> My Academic Requirement. Teaching Timetable is available in CUSIS Manage Classes -> Teaching Timetable by Subj/Dpt.

Students can only take up to 18 credits in 1st/2nd semester, and a total of 39 credits in a year. However, it is possible to apply for increase the limits to 21 and 42 respectively.

各項課程資訊可參看上述指示在CUSIS查閱。學生每一主要學期可以修讀最多18學分,一年合計最多39學分。 特殊情況可申請超額修讀,最多每學期21學分,一年合計最多42學分。

You can put courses into the Shopping Cart for enrollment, in CUSIS, select Manage Classes -> Shopping Cart / Enroll Classes. The actual enrollment is also carried out in the same place. When selecting courses, the Waitlist box should always be checked to be placed in the queue if the class is full. Bear in mind that you should always verify in the Shopping Cart after picking the courses, by ticking all of them and click Verify, to make sure there are no time clashes or other problems.

學生可以用購物車功能選定想修讀的課堂,真正註冊時也是在同一頁進行。 選擇時記住要勾選等候隊列以防滿額。 選完後也要使用確認功能檢查有否時段衝突。

Year 1 Semester 一年級第一學期

ESSC2020 Climate System Dynamics

If you are directly admitted to ESSC through JS4633, then you will be pre-registered this course. Potential ESSC students may also be pre-registered. But nothing stops you from dropping during the add/drop period. The course is closely packed with many content, mainly about atmospheric physics, atmospheric chemistry, ecosystem. The difficulty depends a lot on your background. Students who are good with physics, chemistry and mathematics will find this course manageable. While students lacking a good science background may feel overwhelming. However, I believe that students without a strong science background can still survive this course. The mathematics used is mainly algebra, those like calculus are only for reference. When dealing with tests, knowing what formula to use and careful number substitution will suffice. Some concepts and phenomena may be new, but understanding them are not hard. It will be the first major course for many, and hence the earlier you finish this, the earlier you can unlock other more advanced courses in the atmospheric stream. However, it is still viable to study this in Year 2, after building a strong foundation from faculty packages. It is also a chance for you to get a feel of studying in ESSC.

直入和預定地科學生會直接被預先註冊ESSC2020,不過之後可以退選。 本科內容豐富,主要有大氣物理及化學、和生態系統。 難易度因人而異,數底/物理底好者大多輕鬆通過。 沒有科學背景會比較辛苦,但依然可以捱過。 所用數學不難,大多是代數,難的數都不會考,考試知道用哪條方程,小心代入就可以了。 反而有些物理概念一開始不太容易消化。 這是第一個地科課程,愈早處理愈好,未來可以選擇提早修更高級的課程。 另一個一年級就修的好處是讓你感受唸地科是怎樣一回事。 不過二年級讀完學院基礎課程才讀ESSC2020也不是大問題。

ESSC1000 Exploring the Earth System

ESSC1000 is an easy course in which you are introduced to different ESSC professors, as well as their research areas. It does not involve difficult mathematics or physics, just some simple concepts and facts. Students can acquire a brief understanding of different fields in Earth Science. Strongly recommended since this course can serve effectively as a credit for fulfilling upper level courses requirement.

ESSC1000是一科容易的課程,接觸不同教授的研究領域。 沒有可怕的數學和物理,只有簡單的概念和知識。 學生可以從此稍稍了解地科各領域的事情。 強烈推薦選擇,因為其學分可以抵修高等課程要求。


Mathematics is crucial in the pursuit of Earth Science. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to take an introductory course in calculus as soon as possible, as calculus will be widely used in future ESSC and other related courses. MATH1520 is an easier version of MATH1010, targeting students without M1/M2 background. On the other hand, if you have taken M1/M2 in high school, taking MATH1010 may be a better choice. If you have difficulty in choosing between MATH1520 and MATH1010, often MATH1520 is the way to go.

數學對學習地科相當重要。 所以強烈建議盡早修讀基礎微積分,會在將來的ESSC課程有用。 MATH1520相對MATH1010比較簡單,適合沒有修M1/M2的學生。 有修過M1/M2才考慮MATH1010。謹慎的話就選MATH1520。


Physics, specifically mechanics, will be useful in some ESSC courses. PHYS1111 provides an introduction to mechanics. However, since it requires some background in calculus to start with, it is suggested that students should take this course only after studying MATH1520/1010. PHYS1001/PHYS1002 may be an alternative, but we recommend PHYS1111 for better learning outcomes.

物理,尤其是力學,在某些地科課程很有用。PHYS1111提供有關力學的介紹。 不過PHYS1111需要用到微積分,建議先修完MATH1520/MATH1010才挑戰PHYS1111。 選擇PHYS1001/PHYS1002也無不可,只是PHYS1111的學習成果會比較好。


These two faculty packages, unlike PHYS1111, involve no calculus. They are also less immediate to study as they do not have a strong impact on the pursuit of future ESSC courses. Hence they can be taken anytime you like, of course not too late. If you want to learn more about atmospheric chemistry, then CHEM1070 should be taken earlier. CHEM1072/STAT1012 are also viable.

這兩科不像PHYS1111般需要微積分。 而且相對不迫切,就算不讀也不太影響之後的ESSC科目。 除非你想修大氣化學,那就要早點修CHEM1070。 所以甚麼時候讀也可以,當然不要太遲。 也可以選擇CHEM1072/STAT1012,不過分別不大。

Suggested Choices

ESSC2010 Solid Earth Dynamics

If you are directly admitted to ESSC through JS4633, then again like ESSC2020 you will be pre-registered this course. This course provide a brief introduction to geoscience, including the topics of plate tectonics, rocks and minerals, earthquakes and more. Those who have studied geography in high school will probably feel this course is a revision. Contrary to ESSC2020, the mathematics used in this course is much less and simpler. Students without a strong mathematical foundation can still thrive in this course. There are also field trips and activities for learning practical field skills, like recognizing rock types. Overall, it is a fun course even for students who come from atmospheric stream.

直入ESSC的學生又會被預先註冊ESSC2010。 本課程簡單介紹地理科學,主題有板塊構造、岩石和礦物、地震等等。 高中有修地理的應該會覺得很輕鬆。 數學難度和工作量都比ESSC2020低,數學一般的學生也可以考得好。 有考察及活動學習實用技巧,喜歡動手動腳的人會很享受。 就算對大氣科學組的學生而言也很有趣。


Work in Progress.


Benjamin has not taken this course, someone else please help me to comment. T.T

Suggested Choices

Notes about Minor 副修

Please, members who have taken a minor, help me finish this part.

Last Update: 2020-09-03