About the Creators 有關站主們
Benjamin Loi
Currently a undergraduate student from ESSC Atmospheric Stream, CUHK. He is one of the major author of the Handbook for ESSC students, responsible for most of the writings. He is familiar with atmospheric physics, applied mathematics and programming. Also, he likes teaching very much but unfortunately does not speak very well. Students are welcomed to consult him about studying in ESSC.
目前為中文大學地科本科生,負責編寫地科生參考手冊。 善大氣物理、應用數學、以及編程。 喜歡教書,但說話技巧有待改進。 學生可以找他詢問地科二三事。
Edward Lam
A year 4 student major in ESSC (Atmospheric stream), still got tons of things to learn and willing to coperate with others. Feel free to contact him if you have any question about ESSC.
目前為中文大學地科四年級生,喜歡地科的人和事 學生可以找他詢問地科的資訊
Jommy Kwok
Year 5 ESSC Atmospheric Science Stream student, spending my last semester in CUHK. I'm interested in Japanese culture and I minor in Japanese. A nature, animals and water sports lover, I also like drawing and making crafts. Please feel free to approach me for anything from studies to daily life in CU or special experiences like exchange and internship~
地科(大氣科學)5年級生,讀緊最後一個sem。對日本文化有興趣,有副修日文。 鍾意大自然、動物、水上運動,閒時畫下畫、做下手工藝。 由普通嘅校園生活到特別啲例如exchange、intern個類體驗,想知道想傾都歡迎搵我~
Currently a undergraduate student from ESSC Atmospheric Stream, CUHK.
Paul Yeung
CUHK ESSC Atmospheric Stream Year 4. Don't treat me too serious XDXD. I love Physics! Especially Atmospheric Physics! Also, I love hiking very much. Just come and chat with me about hiking and academics. I love Taiwan and Hong Kong very much. I always travels to Taiwan. I want to hike there. Please share more about Taiwan with me! Btw, I have been to University of Bergen, Norway for an one-term exchange. Bergen is so JENG!!!
香港中文大學地球系統科學(大氣科學)嘅四年級生。 對住我唔洗太正經XDXD。 鍾意讀物理,尤其係大氣物理呀! 個人鍾意行山,大家可以搵我講下行山野同學術野XD。 仲有經常去台灣旅行,可以一齊share下台灣有咩好玩,我最想去果頭行山。 另外呢我去左挪威嘅University of Bergen,挪威真係好正!!!
Sammie Ip
Graduate of ESSC, the Class of 2020, CUHK. Was a science student living with an emotional and illogical mindset. Completed 3 internships in different organisations related to environmental protection. Currently a wage-earner in the environmeental conservation sector, trying to survive through the absurdity. Welcome questions related to internship and graduate career planning. (Or how I graduated with poor GPA)
2020年中大地科畢業生。婉約派理科生而毫不理性。(幸好還能順利畢業,嗚´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) 曾在不同機構做過3份有關環境保育的實習。 現為一名在環境保育界的草根打工仔,努力地在荒謬中求存。 有任何關於實習和畢業工作的問題,歡迎找我喔。(或者你想知道我如何做到爛grade卻順利畢業)
Last Update: 2020-08-27